
Intel Neural Compute Stick 2: The Easy Way to Get Started with AI Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, from healthcare to autonomous vehicles. However, getting started with AI development can be daunting for many. Enter the Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 (NCS2), a powerful and accessible tool that simplifies the AI development process. In this blog, we will explore the capabilities of the NCS2 and how it can be the perfect starting point for anyone interested in AI development. 

Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 is powered by the Intel Movidius X VPU to deliver industry-leading performance, wattage, and power. The NEURAL COMPUTE supports OpenVINO, a toolkit that accelerates solution development and streamlines deployment. The Neural Compute Stick 2 offers plug-and-play simplicity, support for common frameworks and out-of-the-box sample applications. Use any platform with a USB port to prototype and operate without cloud compute dependence. The Intel NCS 2 delivers 4 trillion operations per second with an 8X performance boost compared to previous generations. The movidius neural compute stick price is around ₹ 8,999.

Unleashing the Power of the Intel Neural Compute Stick 2

The Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 (NCS2) is a compact and portable USB device that offers impressive AI processing capabilities. At the heart of the NCS2 lies the Intel Movidius Myriad X Vision Processing Unit (VPU). This advanced chip is specifically designed for efficient neural network processing and can handle complex AI workloads with ease.

The NCS2 boasts several features that make it stand out. Firstly, it provides impressive performance while consuming low power, making it suitable for a wide range of devices. Its small form factor allows developers to take advantage of AI capabilities in edge devices, where processing power and energy efficiency are crucial.

Furthermore, the NCS2 is compatible with popular AI frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Caffe. This compatibility ensures that developers can seamlessly integrate the NCS2 into their existing AI workflows without significant modifications. The NCS2's ease of integration and exceptional performance make it a valuable tool for accelerating AI development.

Seamless Integration and Development Environment

Developers often face challenges when integrating AI models into their applications. The NCS2 simplifies this process by providing a comprehensive development environment. Intel offers the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO Toolkit, which enables developers to optimize and deploy AI models on the NCS2.

The OpenVINO Toolkit supports a wide range of frameworks, enabling developers to convert and optimize models for deployment on the NCS2. Additionally, it provides tools for model optimization and conversion, making it easier to leverage the full potential of the NCS2's hardware acceleration.

The NCS2's compatibility with the OpenVINO Toolkit also allows for seamless deployment on various edge devices, including those with limited computational resources. This capability enables developers to create AI-powered applications that can run efficiently on devices ranging from drones to IoT devices.

Real-World Applications and Use Cases

The NCS2's capabilities extend beyond its technical specifications. It has found practical applications in a wide range of industries and use cases. For instance, in the field of computer vision, the NCS2 can be used for object recognition, image classification, and facial recognition. It enables developers to create smart surveillance systems capable of real-time analysis and decision-making at the edge.

In healthcare, the NCS2 can assist in medical image analysis, enabling faster and more accurate diagnoses. It can be used for tasks such as tumor detection, anomaly identification, and radiology imaging analysis. The NCS2's portability makes it ideal for bringing AI capabilities to remote locations or providing real-time analysis in emergency situations.

The NCS2 is also well-suited for robotics and autonomous systems. It can enable drones to navigate obstacles, identify objects, and perform complex tasks autonomously. By offloading AI processing to the NCS2, drones can become smarter and more capable in real-time scenarios.

Furthermore, the NCS2 facilitates AI development for the Internet of Things (IoT). With its low power consumption and compact size, it can be integrated into IoT devices to enable local AI processing. This capability reduces the need for constant data transfer to the cloud, enhancing privacy and reducing latency.

Getting Started: Tutorials and Resources

For those interested in exploring AI development with the NCS2, there are abundant resources available to facilitate the learning process. Intel provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and sample code to help developers get started. The resources cover everything from setting up the NCS2 hardware and software to building and deploying AI models.

The Intel Developer Zone and the OpenVINO Toolkit website offer in-depth tutorials and examples that guide developers through the entire AI development pipeline. These resources cater to developers of all skill levels, ensuring that beginners and experienced developers alike can harness the power of the NCS2.

Additionally, the Intel community forums and developer communities provide valuable support and a platform for knowledge sharing. Developers can seek assistance, ask questions, and engage with others working on similar projects, creating a vibrant ecosystem for AI development with the NCS2.

The Future of AI Development

The NCS2 represents a significant step forward in the world of AI development, and it paves the way for exciting possibilities in the future. Edge AI, where AI models run on local devices, is gaining momentum, enabling faster and more intelligent processing. The NCS2's compact size and impressive performance make it an ideal candidate for edge AI applications.

The combination of edge AI and IoT opens doors to a new era of intelligent devices. With the NCS2, IoT devices can perform AI tasks locally, reducing latency, increasing privacy, and allowing for real-time decision-making. This integration has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from smart homes to industrial automation.

Moreover, the NCS2's compatibility with popular frameworks ensures that it will remain relevant as AI technologies evolve. As new frameworks and algorithms emerge, developers can leverage the NCS2 to accelerate their development and benefit from its optimized hardware.

The more modern Raspberry Pi boards, and especially the latest model the intel neural compute stick Raspberry pi 3, model B+, needs a USB power supply that will provide +5V consistently at 2 to 2.5A. Depending on what peripherals the board needs to support.


The Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 simplifies AI development by offering powerful processing capabilities in a compact and accessible form. Its compatibility with popular frameworks, seamless integration, and comprehensive development environment make it an excellent choice for developers looking to explore AI. The NCS2's real-world applications span various industries, from computer vision to healthcare and robotics. Abundant tutorials, documentation, and community support ensure that developers can embark on their AI development journey with confidence. As AI continues to advance, the NCS2 represents a stepping stone into the future of edge AI and IoT, where intelligent devices will reshape our world. So, are you ready to unlock the potential of AI development with the Intel Neural Compute Stick 2? Let's dive in and create a smarter future together.